Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Just in Case

A month ago I poked a few potatoes and lettuce roots (?) In the ground and then forgot to water them, my bad. Both grandmothers had awesome gardens in Michigan, home of fertile dirt. I was successful with a decent garden while living in New Jersey. Sad thing is the grape vines I planted were finally taking off when I received a really good job offer in California... so off to sunshine and later to Arizona. After pricing out lettuce a few days ago time to try growing a few veggies in less than optimal Arizona. In the last year and a half I bought seeds, potting soil, grow bags, biodegradable starter pots, gardening tools, micro-green kit still in box and more. During WWll people had victory gardens. Given the state of our economy time to try gardening again. Even here in Arizona I suspect we'll have a cold winter. However the micro-green kit can be kept indoors. In my opinion, part of prepping should be to grow a few veggies, just in case. To be continued.

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