Monday, September 6, 2021

Slide Rule, Old is new Again

 I haven't used a slide rule since my college days more than half a century ago. At least one of the classroom had a huge and working slide rule over the door. It was an impressive four feet or more in length. Fast forward to today.

I was studying for the General Ham Radio test and was distracted when the author referred to exponents and log functions using a scientific calculator. I have a scientific calculator but what of an EMP. 

When North Korea was threatening us with an EMP I started packing spare electronic gizmos and solar chargers in Faraday bags. After President Trump visited North Korea and actually stepped across the border I got a little careless and less worried about little rocket man.

Now with the current administration time to get back to taking inventory. 

I remembered my slide rule from decades ago now long since lost. I found and won a familiar looking used slide rule on eBay for a very reasonable amount of money. This I don't have to worry about protecting since it is operated manually. Not electronic, what a concept.

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